Friday, March 30, 2012

Response to Jamie Olivers Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver is a man on a mission in his tv series, a man on a mission to change the way we eat. In theory his ideas are good and the steps he is taking to change the way we eat as Americans, however Jamie as a person is very unrealistic and quite frankly immature.
Jamie's "Food Revolution" as he calls it is well grounded in reality. The facts are that the United States is becoming more and more unhealthy, and the processes of how food is produced and where it comes from have drastically changed in the last 50 years. Jamie's simple ideas to know where the food comes from and revamp the way that food is prepared in schools is something that everyone can get behind, however, when it comes down to the practicality of his methods in doing, Jamie begins to turn much more radical.

When it comes to being practical, Jamie really struggles in this respect. One of his goals is to change the way fast food is prepared. He goes to a small family owned restaurant that has been in business for over thirty years where he is given a chance to see how his practices work in actuality. When given this opportunity he proposes to switch to meat that costs three times the price and argues with the owner when Jamie tries to make a milkshake with no ice cream. A milkshake has ice cream in it, if it doesn't it's just a smoothie. Jamie gets very upset about this because he says it tastes like a milkshake, however, it isn't and that's a fact. For example a veggie burger will never be a real burger no matter how much it tastes like one.

Overall Jamie has good ideas and is on a mission for good. He however is very easily upset and is unable to accept basic facts. He is short tempered and immature with trying to get his way at any cost. In the long run I believe these things will hurt his passion, and that is a very sad thing to see. I wish him luck in his mission and hope that he can also begin to see things from someone elses perspective.

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