Friday, January 27, 2012

The possiblilities of research

As I'm thinking of problems or issues with America, one of the first things that comes to my mind is healthcare. Healthcare in general is just the relationship between doctors and their patients, but recently it has become a web of bureaucracy and controversies. As a career field that I am looking to go into I am concerned with these issues as they are amplified daily. My father is currently a physician's assistant at veterans clinic. However great a service that we as a country provide to the ones who defend our freedoms, it has it's issues. Another issue within this healthcare realm is privacy laws. If you have been to a doctor recently you know how strict these are and you have to sign your life away just to make sure your eye doctor doesn't share the fact that you need glasses. There are many more things that I haven't even started to cover such as socialized medicine and Obamacare, but these make great research topics as well.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Response 6,The Social Network

The movie The Social Network follows one of the great entrepreneurial endeavors of this generation, and how it came to be. Along the way to becoming what it is today Facebook and it's founders had many different conflicts which made for a good story. Within this story there are many different views that can be analyzed. The two views that I found evident in the movie where the Marxist and Moral/Philosophical perspectives.

The Marxist or Economic perspective becomes apparent as soon as you understand what is going on in the lawsuit. Mark Zuckerberg is the original creator of facebook who physically wrote the first code. However the idea for Facebook came from two twins the Winkelvosss'. They as well as Zuckerbergs founding partner are suing for both intellectual property theft and unfair business practices respectively. When it comes to the Winkelvoss twins. Their lawsuit is directly connected to the amount of money and fame that Mark Zuckerberg. They believe that Zuckerberg stole their idea for an online network where college students can interact naturally, and profited from the idea greatly.

In the Moral/Philosophical perspective the story of Mark and his founding partner Eduardo Saverin comes into play. In the movie and real life Zuckerberg and Saverin were feuding over the direction of the company. While Saverin stayed in New York, Zuckerberg was in Palo Alto, California turning Facebook into a multi-billion dollar company. When the company is reincorporated in Delaware, Saverins stocks were diluted down to minuscule numbers basically removing him from the company. No one truly knows why Zuckerberg did this, but there have been many speculations such as jealousy and influence by Sean Parker. Regardless of motives, this was just one of the immoral things that Zuckerberg did on his way to the top.